The Miniature Poodle is a member of the poodle family that is smaller than the Standard Poodle but larger than the Toy Poodle. Traditionally bred as a gun dog, they are now more famed for their abilities in agility and obedience. They are loyal, intelligent and kind-natured which makes them a popular choice of pet.
The Miniature Poodle makes an excellent companion for those with allergies as its coat does not shed, however it does need a lot of grooming to stay in good condition.
Because it is so intelligent, the breed must be trained consistently from a young age as they may become dominant if they are allowed to get away with too much.
The Miniature Poodle is good with children and thrives in a home environment due to its friendly and inquisitive nature.
High levels of intelligence and energy mean the Miniature Poodle needs plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.
Fast Learner
Life Expectancy
13-15 Years
Exercise Needs
Live Wire
Please note: Information provided is for guidance only and no liability can be claimed if incorrect. It is the duty of the customer to research a breed thoroughly before purchase.